Monday, 4 April 2011

How's my driving?

   Driving towards Milton Keynes last Saturday I saw a sign similar to the one above. My mind, not distracted by music or chatter, was free to muse upon the implications of such a sign.

   What does it mean? 

   Is it telling me that speed cameras exist? Because I already am fully aware of the existence of speed cameras.  (What road user isn't?!) I have read the articles, seen the stats, heard the arguments. I know that they exist alright.

   So, if it isn't purely informing me of the existence of said cameras then what is its purpose?

   Is it showing me what I could expect a camera to look like? Is the "Speed Cameras" meant as a caption for the above image. Well if it that is the case then Buckinghamshire Council have utterly failed. I have never seen a speed camera that looks remotely like the one in the picture. They could have at least used colour!

   Maybe its meant as modern art?

   If its purpose is to inform me of a speed camera[s] in the area then it is lying. I have travelled along that particular road many-a-time and have yet to see a camera (or the flash!).

   Hmmm. Then maybe it is suggesting that there is a theoretical possibility that a speed camera may or may not be present and that I should either (a) drive at a precautionary slow speed or (b) play the percentages and gamble that either there is no camera on the road or that, if there is, it has no film.

   Is that how I view God?

   Yes, I know he exists: I've seen the signs. I know that he has an absolute standard (and there is no 10% leeway with the Almighty.). I know that he has me on record. I know that he has the authority to convict. I know that I fall under his jurisdiction....

....But he might not be around this particular corner. I haven't bumped into him yet. Maybe, if it gets that far, I can plead exonerating circumstances. Anyway, its only 3 points and its only for 2 years- I have 9 more to play with.

   Surely God doesn't mind me living a few miles over the limit? Surely I can push the boundaries 1 mph at a time? He won't nab me at 38 in a 40. He won't nab me at 39 in a 40. He won't nab me at 40 in a 40. He won't nab me at 41 in a 40...... will he?

   Are you driving towards God? Or are you taking the by-pass around Him? 

   You can't run from God..... ask Jonah.

He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. 

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