The book is designed for use during morning or evening devotions. Near the front is a day-by-day prayer diary with suggested topics for
A reading scheme- covering the whole Bible in 1 year- is also included. Each of the 365 days comes with space for notes and thoughts alongside the applicable Old and New Testament passages for that day.
The introduction also includes references and tips relating to having a daily quiet time with God.
Last year, along with a number of others, I undertook the UGS: 2010 reading Scheme (Unashamed Gospel Studiers!). I found it a great encouragement and blessing (please excuse my excessive use of clichés!). In the upcoming 12 months, many people at my YL group and church will be using the Oxygen quiet time diary and reading scheme. I look forward to the opportunities to discuss and share with others what we have been reading during the week.
As a tool to assist in regular Bible reading and study Oxygen looks like it will be worth its weight in Gold (Gold prices are currently fairly high too!). Why not join in the scheme and see how it can help you for 2012?
1 for £1.95, 6 for £10, 20 for £30
A good selection of other Bible reading schemes can be found at
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